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  • Make the Most of Career Opportunities in Corporate Governance Ireland

Make the most of careers opportunities in Corporate governance in Ireland

Darragh Devane

Ireland is a small country with a lot to offer if you are a Chartered Company Secretary or Corporate Governance professional.

The ICSA Chartered qualification allows you to chase career opportunities across the world. It is internationally recognised for governance professionals that is upheld across ICSA’s international divisions: Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand, UK and of course Ireland.

Employers in many sectors in Ireland are most definitely beginning to really value Chartered Secretaries and Governance Professionals. Demand has skyrocketed particularly in the highly regulated sectors in Financial Services where ICSA Qualifications have become both essential but rare.


Benefits of moving to Ireland to work as a Corporate Governance professional

·         Living and working in Ireland can be personally and professionally rewarding. At present Ireland’s financial services sector is booming and Corporate Governance professionals are highly sought after. This may be partly because of the lack of college courses that offer the ICSA Qualification (The main qualification route is through The University of Ulster’s Master’s in Corporate Governance and Management, Grad. ICSA course.)

·         Working in Ireland can offer scope for professional development that is not readily available at home which broadens your expertise, interests and contacts. Living and working in a different jurisdiction not only shows professional breadth but can also demonstrate positive personal qualities such as curiosity and resilience.

·         Because there is such a demand for Corporate Governance professionals in this country, employees can explore a range of industries and roles and in most cases choose a career path that they find most interesting. Salaries for these roles are also quite generous as most firms here struggle to find qualified candidates.

Whilst there are many benefits to taking the leap and moving to Ireland (or moving back to Ireland) it can also be an intimidating decision to make, and the decision is not one to take lightly. Please see below tips and reasons to make this decision an easier one:


Top tips for preparing to relocate to Ireland

·         Find out why you should move to Ireland and how it could benefit you. Personally, I think that Ireland offers Corporate Governance professionals a wide range of varied experience that few other countries could match.

·         Make as many connections as possible, we would be happy to introduce you to our long list of clients and relocation experts but building your own network would be a good idea also (ICSA Groups, LinkedIn etc.)

·         Check to see if you need a visa, research your rights as an employee, and where relevant check if your partner would be eligible to work here too.


·         Ask how your future potential employers can support your preparation and transition with relocation packages.


Other reasons to move (or move back) to Ireland

 I may be a little biased but certainly, don’t think it is a decision you will regret.

·         With the island being so small all the major cities are at most an hour away from some incredible countryside to escape to for the weekend.

·         High standard of living combined with a relaxed and friendly culture.

·         If your family is also making the move, you’ve probably started to think about school options. In that case, you’ll be pleased to learn that Ireland’s education system ranks in the top 10 globally for quality. Most of these are state-funded, but there are a small number of private fee-paying primary schools too.


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